Shivalik Herbals - Amla- Emblica officinalis

businessShivalik Herbals   (India )
personRaghav Aren
homeShivalik Herbals, Opp. Nirankari Bhawan, College Road Sunam, Sunam, PUNJAB, 148028, India


Shivalik Amla

Amla or Amalaki(Emblica officinalis) is an Indian gooseberry and is used for reducing inflammation in the digestive tract, assisting the bowels and strengthening the heart. The herb of Amla is used for many purposes such as delaying the aging cycle, rejuvenating the body, revitalizing body systems and top of all, building immune levels. Shivalik Amla capsules contains abandon amounts of Vitamin C – ascorbic acid and is likely to possess richest amounts of it as compared to any edible on this planet. Regular use of it will enrich you with vitamin C which helps in protecting cell damage and provide resistance against many diseases especially respiratory diseases.

Benefits of Amla

Immunity system: The plant as a whole promotes resistance towards illness and counteracts infection and boosts immunity. It is a potent anti-inflammatory herb and is used in piles, gastritis, colitis etc. Emblica Officinalis strengthened the defense mechanisms against free radical damage induced during stress. 

Central nervous system: it is used as a memory booster and intellect enhancer.

Blood and haemopoeitic tissue: Amla is used to check bleeding, enhance production of red blood cells and as blood purifier.  Pregnant women are advised to take ripe fruit of amla throughout pregnancy to combat anemia. 

Cardiovascular system: It stimulates the heart, produces coronary dilation and peripheral vasoconstriction. The investigations support the use of this drug by Avicenna (Sheikh Bu Ali Sina) in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and its present use in cardiovascular and chest diseases in the Indian systems of medicine.

Digestive system: Amla is appetizer, carminative and controls diarrhea.

Respiratory system: Amla is used in asthma and bronchitis and tuberculosis. Its bioavailability in cases of pulmonary tuberculosis is much better than synthetic vitamin C. It possesses powerful expectorant activity by directly stimulating the mucous cell of the bronchial tree. In addition the extract has mild antibacterial activity. 

Skin: it is used in eczema and psoriasis. 

Nutrition and metabolism: Amla in different combinations is used to control blood sugar therefore is used in diabetes. It contains 600mg/100g of vitamin C and is used as an immunomodulator and to treat scurvy. 

Genito-urinary system: Amla is diuretic. Paste of amla leaves if applied on abdomen helps in dysuria and excessive menstrual bleeding. Powder of raw fruit is used in chronic vaginal infection. 

Musculoskeletal system: The whole plant prevents sudden muscular contraction, is antispasmodic, and relieves pain. 

Eye: it is considered as a prime herb for treatment of eyes. In inflammation of eyes it lowers down pita without hampering the other two doshas. It improves near sightedness and is used in cataract as it has antioxidant properties and free radicals stand as one cause of cataract. 

Hair: It prevents graying of hair and promotes their growth making them strong and free from dandruff. 

Shivalik Amla contains pure and concentrated Amla.

Dosage of one capsule twice a day




1. Dr.KM Nadkarni, The Indian Materia Medica, Vol.I, pg 480-484

2. Prof P.V Sharma, Dravya Guna Vigyana, Vol II, pg 758-760 

3. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia Of India, Part I, Vol.I, pg 4-5 


Shivalik Herbals - Aloe Vera

businessShivalik Herbals   (India )
personRaghav Aren
homeShivalik Herbals, Opp. Nirankari Bhawan, College Road Sunam, Sunam, PUNJAB, 148028, India


Shivalik  AloeVera

Aloe Vera(Ghritkumari) enhances the normal metabolic & detoxification functions of the liver. It is natural detoxifier & boosts the immune system. Rich in mineral & vitamins Aloe Vera is cooling and cathartic. Plant is stomachic purgative, emmanogogue, and antihelmentic. Pulp is used in menstrual suppression and root in colic. It is purgative, cholagogue, anti-inflammatory, alterative, tonic, and antihelmentic.


Benefits of Aloe Vera

Central nervous system: Aloe Vera settles nerves and calms the nervous system. 

Blood and haemopoeitic tissue: it is a blood alkalinize. 

Cardiovascular system: It dilates the blood capillaries and increases the blood circulation

Skin: It is used to treat ulcers, wounds, epithelialization of skin burns and moisturizing dry skin. It breaks down and digests dead tissue and enhances normal cell growth and hastens healing. It acts as an antipruritic and stops itching.

Nutrition and metabolism: Aloe Vera contains at least two active compounds that decrease the levels of sugar in the blood and its extract is also used in patients with hypoglycemia. It provides number of minerals, vitamins, and enzymes. 

Genito-urinary system: it is an emmanogogue and is also used an abortificant. 

Musculoskeletal system. It penetrates up to the 7 layers of tissue and anesthesis tissue relieving joint and musculature pain.

Hair: It regenerates hair follicles and heals seborrhea.

Immunity system: This plant has antibacterial, anti fungicidal and antiviral properties. It is a natural cleanser and detoxifier.

Digestive system: The Science and Medicine Institute of Linus Pauling in California, confirmed the beneficial effect of the consumption of Aloe Vera over the digestive system. Daily taking Aloe Vera produces a great improvement in persons with diseased digestive apparatus, colitis, heartburn and irritable colon. Action of the Aloe Vera was also proved as an antiacid and healer in treatments as gastritis and ulcer.

Anti-inflammatory: Some Aloe Vera derivatives show anti-inflammatory activities by inhibiting prostanoid production in damage tissue. 

Antiseptic: The Aloe Vera plant produces at least 6 antiseptic agents: lupeol, salicylic acid, urea nitrogen, cinnamonic acid, phenol, and sulphur. Aloe has been used to eliminate many internal and external infections, wounds, and ulcers. 


Aloe Vera Capsule contains pure and concentrated Aloe Vera.

Dosage: One capsule twice a day

Package size: 60 capsules of 500mg each



1. Dr.KM Nadkarni, The Indian Materia Medica, Vol.I, pg 76-77 

2. Prof P.V Sharma, Dravya Guna Vigyana, Vol II, pg 446-450 

3. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia Of India, Part I, Vol.I, pg 62 

4. R.N Chopra, S.L. Nayar, I.C. Chopra, NISC, Glossary Of Indian Medicinal Plants pg12-13 

5. Medicinal and aromatic plants of Himachal Pradesh, by Dr. Narain Singh Chauhan pg 90


Shivalik Herbals - Man-XL Cream

businessShivalik Herbals   (India )
personRaghav Aren
homeShivalik Herbals, Opp. Nirankari Bhawan, College Road Sunam, Sunam, PUNJAB, 148028, India


Man-XL Cream

Penis Massage Cream For Longer & Harder Erection


Man-XL Herbal Penis Massage Cream For Longer & Harder Erections.  The cream is one of the best Ayurvedic formulations for enlargement. It contains saturated fat and 9 natural ingredients, that absorb directly into the shaft if the penis that helps in creating more tissue. Just by using this cream for few weeks, your penis will be thicker and longer than ever before.

This cream has no side effects.

 To get started for improving your penis size, safely and naturally order now.


Erectile Dysfunction, Penile Muscles Weakness.


Each 10gm contains:

Jyotish Mati : 100 mg

Daalchini   : 100 mg

Nirgundi   : 100 mg

Gokshura   : 200 mg

Ginger : 50 mg

Jalphal : 50 mg

Lavang : 10 mg

Akarakara : 30 mg

Kali Mirch : 20 mg

Cream Base : q.s.

Colour, Fragrance

& preservative q.s.

Usage: Apply a quarter size tab and perform a massage along the penis shaft in a outward motion for 2-3 minutes.



Shivalik Herbals - Bio Fresh

businessShivalik Herbals   (India )
personRaghav Aren
homeShivalik Herbals, Opp. Nirankari Bhawan, College Road Sunam, Sunam, PUNJAB, 148028, India



This is a problem that is largely confined to a typical western lifestyle and diet. However it is a common complaint among the elderly population also. Inadequate amount of dietary fibres, lack of physical activity leads to stagnation of food in the digestive system allowing the water to be reabsorbed making the stool hard. Constipation may lead to fissure, has morrhoids etc. and needs timely intervention.

BioFresh is an all-natural herbal enhanced laxative that tastes great and helps to keep you regular.

This deliciously simple solution is a tasty combination of dried red rose petals and dried natural Senna leaves. Developed by Ayurvedacharayas as per ancient healing secrets. With thoroughness and good taste, BioFresh is an excellent natural mild laxative made from specially selected herbal ingredients.

•  Easy to take – people of all ages can take BioFresh.

•  Easy on the system - the gentle action of BioFresh helps keep you regular without causing bloating or other discomforts. 

•  Does not contain lactose - like some other laxative products, and can be used by people who are lactose intolerant. 

•  Good to taste - it is like eating Gulakand. 

•  Natural laxative made from specially selected herbal ingredients – Seena leaves, Red Rose petals, Kala Dana, Choti Elachi, Kabab Chinni, Nishoth, Isbagol bhuki and Saunf. 

•  No chemical Preservatives. 




Q. Who should take BioFresh?

Anybody suffering from mild to chronic constipation should start taking BioFresh with immediate effect.

Q. How can one get to know that I am suffering from constipation?

There is no hard and fast definition of constipation but the two key symptoms are not opening your bowels regularly enough, and having to strain when you do.


Try this simple questionnaire. Over the last three months:

•  Have you had to strain at least a quarter of the time that you have been to the loo? 

•  Have your stools been hard or lumpy at least a quarter of the time? 

•  Have you been left with a feeling that your bowel is not completely empty at least a quarter of the times that you have been to the loo? 

•  Have you averaged two or fewer bowel movements a week?

Answering yes to two or more of the above suggests that you have a problem with constipation and should start taking BioFresh.

Q. Most of the laxatives are too bitter to swallow?

BioFresh comes with natural flavour of Rose and Ilaichy and has so pleasant flavour and good to taste that even kids can take it very easily.

Q. How often and how long do I need to take BioFresh?

Adults should take 10gms every night while kids should take 5gms every night with luke warm or warm milk or water. BioFresh is a 100% ayurvedic product and can be taken as long as a patient does not reach a stage of normal bowel movement and gets stable with it.

Q. How does BioFresh work to relieve constipation?

The special combination of Senna leaves, Red Rose petals and other herbs used in BioFresh act together to bond with water and soften the stool. At the same time it increases the volume of the stool, effectively filling the colon, stimulating peristalsis and reducing the time of passage through the colon. The result is a quicker, more natural feeling of relief.

Q. My son is constipated can I give him BioFresh?

Yes, BioFresh can be given to children above 7 years of age. They will take it easily as it is good to taste.

Q. Can I use this laxative when I am taking other medications?

Consult with your health care provider before use to make sure that BioFresh will not interact with your other medication.

Q. Most of the laxatives are habit forming and I am afraid of taking it?

BioFresh is 100% Ayuvedic and made from natural ingredients only. You can discontinue the use once you get rid of constipation and your condition gets stable. Only laxatives with artificial chemicals are habit forming and BioFresh has no artificial chemical or flavour.


Shivalik Herbals - Quick Slim Honey

businessShivalik Herbals   (India )
personRaghav Aren
homeShivalik Herbals, Opp. Nirankari Bhawan, College Road Sunam, Sunam, PUNJAB, 148028, India


Quick Slim Honey

Honey and weight loss are often associated Honey, a natural sweetener contains 22 amino acids and a variety of minerals essential for our meta bolism and hence is helpful in preventing obesity.

Quick slim honey is delicious Ayurvedic weight loss formula containing Honey processed in the extracts of various herbals. The various ancient Ayurvedic books revealed that drinking honey together with these herbs first king in the morning is an effective anti cellulite. 


  • Quick Slim Honey helps you lose weight without undergoing any diet, without any effort fatigue or hunger.
  • Has a natural combination of honey & herbals extracts & does not contain any Chemical or non-natural agent.
  • Burn fat & cellulite, turn stub born fat into energy and expels sediments out of the body.
  • It helps to speed up your sluggish meta bolism activates the movement of intestine, which helps to flush waste out of the body.
  • It prevents constipation that causes diseases and headaches.
  • Gives you the results that you have always wanted.

Suggested use:- 1-2 teaspoon full of quick slim honey glass of with   luke warm water before breakfast and before dinner.


Shivalik Herbals - Rheumacure

businessShivalik Herbals   (India )
personRaghav Aren
homeShivalik Herbals, Opp. Nirankari Bhawan, College Road Sunam, Sunam, PUNJAB, 148028, India



Arthritis or osteoarthritis characterized by swelling, pain and stiffness is a very common problem. The word ‘arthritis’ literally came from Greek word ‘athron’ meaning joint & ‘itis’ meaning inflammation. Presence of this disease cause severe pain in joint areas & ceases muscle movements. Arthritis is the one of main cause of disability in India.

As a person grows older, the surface layers of cartilage at the joints, which act as the shock-absorber and the lubricating synovial fluid, often degrades. The function of the synovial fluid is to reduce the friction in the joints thus promoting flexibility & mobility.

Top Natural Osteoarthritis Treatments for joint inflammation

RHEUMACURE is a perfect combination of anti-inflammatory & pain relieving herbs. It is considered as one of the best natural osteoarthritis treatments and relief. It helps lubricate the joints, stimulate the rebuilding of degenerated cartilage, block the toxic enzymes that degrade the cartilage and strengthen your body’s natural repair mechanisms.



Triple-Action Joint Support at its Best

Rheumacure is a very effective Triple Action Formula that :

• Quickly Reduces Burning Pain, Soreness and discomfort with potent anti-inflammation herbs.

• Increases blood flow to the inflammation areas to speed up healing.

• Lubricate the joints, slowly repair and Rebuild Degenerated Cartilage, connective tissues and damaged joints with time proven natural nutrients.


Product Benefits: 


• Formula for joints delivers an exclusive blend of over a dozen natural joint-health ingredients that can help:

• Support the health of connective tissue.

•  Protect joints from age-related wear and tear

• Maintain healthy joints

• Promote flexibility , mobility and strength

•   Reduces painful arthritis inflammation



Shivalik Herbals - Ezy Slim

businessShivalik Herbals   (India )
personRaghav Aren
homeShivalik Herbals, Opp. Nirankari Bhawan, College Road Sunam, Sunam, PUNJAB, 148028, India


Ezy Slim is a wonderful combination of eleven herbs which act collectively to give slim & fit body with improved digestive system. Ezy Slim reduces excessive appetite for food and removes excess fat from the areas which are prone to fat deposition like face, neck, waist, abdomen, buttocks & legs and that too without fluid loss and weight regain.

Ezy Slim is formulated to give you the desired weight within a short time without the effort of tiresome exercises. Ezy Slim is a blend of herbs which regulate the body metabolism to reduce fat deposition and improves digestive system. It is very useful in controlling Obesity, Hyperlipidemia and craving for food.

Ezy Slim improves body systems to maintain its biological activities, metabolic activities and hormonal balance. It improves metabolic functions, basal metabolic rate, reduces appetite, reduces fat and converts of glucose to glycogens.

Product Features:

• Ezy Slim increases body cell metabolism which breaks fat into its metabolites.

• It inhibits synthesis of fat from sugars and converts sugar to glycogen.

• This combination suppresses the appetite and provides nourishment to body.

• Lowers the harmful cholesterol Low Density Lipids LDL by improving High Density Lipids (HDL).



Arthritis or osteoarthritis characterized by swelling, pain and stiffness is a very common problem. The word ‘arthritis’ literally came from Greek word ‘athron’ meaning joint & ‘itis’ meaning inflammation. Presence of this disease cause severe pain in joint areas & ceases muscle movements. Arthritis is the one of main cause of disability in India.

As a person grows older, the surface layers of cartilage at the joints, which act as the shock-absorber and the lubricating synovial fluid, often degrades. The function of the synovial fluid is to reduce the friction in the joints thus promoting flexibility & mobility.

Top Natural Osteoarthritis Treatments for joint inflammation

RHEUMACURE is a perfect combination of anti-inflammatory & pain relieving herbs. It is considered as one of the best natural osteoarthritis treatments and relief. It helps lubricate the joints, stimulate the rebuilding of degenerated cartilage, block the toxic enzymes that degrade the cartilage and strengthen your body’s natural repair mechanisms.



Triple-Action Joint Support at its Best

Rheumacure is a very effective Triple Action Formula that :

• Quickly Reduces Burning Pain, Soreness and discomfort with potent anti-inflammation herbs.

• Increases blood flow to the inflammation areas to speed up healing.

• Lubricate the joints, slowly repair and Rebuild Degenerated Cartilage, connective tissues and damaged joints with time proven natural nutrients.

Product Benefits: 

• Formula for joints delivers an exclusive blend of over a dozen natural joint-health ingredients that can help:

• Support the health of connective tissue.

•  Protect joints from age-related wear and tear

• Maintain healthy joints

• Promote flexibility , mobility and strength

•   Reduces painful arthritis inflammation



Shivalik Herbals - Bio Slim

businessShivalik Herbals   (India )
personRaghav Aren
homeShivalik Herbals, Opp. Nirankari Bhawan, College Road Sunam, Sunam, PUNJAB, 148028, India


Shivalik BioSlim

Shivalik BioSlim is a herbal medicine which helps in reducing weight in a natural way. As it is a totally herbal medicine it works slowly on the body and does not force it to lose weight. The weight once lost with Shivalik BioSlim never comes back as it is totally natural way of losing weight. It is not like other artificial weight loss mechanisms and devices which force our body to lose weight and the lost weight always comes back when the application of such a device is stopped. Heating up our body and using different vibration techniques is just like heating up a piece of iron and then beating it to give some new shape. 

As we do it with other problems we should look for the cause of obesity first, only then we can fight it. Until or unless we fight the cause of a problem it cannot be solved. General causes of obesity includes lower Basal metabolic rate (BMR), high calorie intake, physically inactive lifestyle, Shivalik BioSlim helps you to fight the first two. It increases your BMR and improves your digestive system so that you do not feel the need to eat more. Shivalik BioSlim.



  • Increases Basal metabolic rate.
  • Corrects all aspects of digestive system
  • Lowers down cholesterol.
  • Prevents fat deposition.
  • Nurtures & strengthens the liver.
  • Balance stomach acids.
  • Improves food absorption.
  • Detoxifies & cleanses our body.
  • Reduces triglycerides & promotes healthy lipids. 
  • Regulates bowel movements.
  • Cures indigestion & constipation.




Q. Who should take Shivalik Bioslim?

It should be taken by all the men and women who are overweight i.e. whose Body Mass Index (BMI) is over 25.

Q. What is the recommended dose of Shivalik Bioslim?

2 capsules thrice daily with lukewarm water for best results.

Q. After how long will I get results or feel the difference?

A regular intake of Shivalik Bioslim over a period of 4 weeks is enough to show results in case of most of the patients. For better results you should go for regular exercise like brisk walk or aerobics along with regular intake of medicine.  

Q. Should I go for weight loss through electronic machines?

Many people go for this type of treatment to curb obesity. Weight loss with the help of these machines is not permanent and comes back once the application of machines is stopped. Moreover artificially heating and vibrating the body may also disturb other body systems.


Shivalik Herbals - Diabetacure

businessShivalik Herbals   (India )
personRaghav Aren
homeShivalik Herbals, Opp. Nirankari Bhawan, College Road Sunam, Sunam, PUNJAB, 148028, India


In modern age ‘Madhumeha’ i.e. Diabetes Mellitus has become a major problem, commonly in socio –economically improved part of the society. Type II Diabetes is known as one of the ‘Diseases of Affluence’ which arise in people who have “too much; too much food, too much leisure, too much comfort.” Oversleeping especially during the day, lack of exercise, laziness and overeating especially of cold, oily, sweet, fatty things, which increase kapha are said to cause the disease that we know as Type II Diabetes Mellitus. 

While Insulin and Allopathic drugs can keep a diabetic’s blood sugar at or near normal levels, they cannot prevent the varied complications such as:-
• Neuropathy is nerve damage. It can cause problems in legs as well as other systems in the body.
• Retinopathy is damage to the eyes.
• Nephropathy is kidney disease. The kidneys filter waste out of the blood when they don't work well, poisons can build up.
• Heart disease is more common in people with diabetes.
• Gastroparesis which is a delay of a stomach's emptying, literally signifies a partial paralysis of the stomach.
• Cognitive Impairment While people who have diabetes may experience memory problems and cognitive impairment.
• Atherosclerosis is more commonly identified as a hardening or clogging of the arteries and is caused by a build-up of fatty material that restricts blood flow
• Hypertension or high blood pressure, is another leading complication for diabetics. This condition arises within 65% of people who have diabetes.
Diabetacure is helpful in controlling onset of all these complications, apart from controlling blood sugar level. Ingredients of Diabetacure have been specially selected so that they prevent these complications from occurring.  Diabetacure should also be taken by people who have a family history of Diabetes i.e. some one in their blood relation has been a patient of Diabetes because Diabetacure prevents onset of Diabetes.
Symptoms of Diabetes
Millions of people have diabetes and don't even know it because the symptoms develop so gradually, people often don't recognize them. Some people, particularly pre-diabetics, have no symptoms at all. Diabetics may have SOME or NONE of the following symptoms: 
  • Frequent urination 
  • Excessive thirst 
  • Extreme hunger 
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Sudden vision changes 
  • Tingling or numbness in hands or feet 
  • Poor circulation
  • Poor sleep
  • Feeling very tired much of the time
  • Irritability
  • Very dry skin 
  • Sores that are slow to heal 
  • More infections than usual
Dos and Don’ts for Diabetics


  • Eat food at fixed hours. Make sure that you have three proper meals & light snacks in between
  • Eat about the same amounts of food each day
  • Eat slowly and chew your food well before you swallow
  • Drink sufficient amounts of water that will help flush the toxins off your system
  • Include fresh vegetable salad in every meal
  • Take your medicines at the same time every day and exercise at about the same time every day
  • Fat free milk, yogurt, and cheese to be taken
  • Eggs whites can be included
  • White meat - chicken and fish are good
  • Have beverages – Tea or coffee with out sugar or with sugar free in it
  • Increase fibre intake in the form of raw fruits, vegetables and whole cereals
  • Include sprouts in your diet
  • Intake of bitter gourd, fenugreek, Indian blackberry (jamun), flaxseed, cinnamon, garlic, and onion are known to Considerably reduce blood glucose level
  • Check your feet for cuts, blisters, and swelling which are likely to result from diabetes-related nerve damage
  • Have good sleep daily
  • Check your blood sugar level regularly and also check the other tests such as kidney function, liver function, heart function, ketone levels as required
  • Check your weight from time to time, and always maintain an ideal body weight<


  • Do not skip meals and medicine times
  • Do not eat directly after a workout
  • Do not overeat
  • Do not fry foods. Instead bake, boil, poach or sauté in a nonstick pan. Use less oil in cooking
  • Eat less high-fat red meat and avoid organ meats
  • Limit the use of condiments such as ketchup, Soya sauce, mustard and salad dressings as they're high in salt and can be high in sugar, too
  • Limit your salt intake
  • Avoid white flour, white rice, potatoes, carrots, breads and bananas as they increase the blood-sugar levels
  • Avoid milk cream, egg yolk or food items cooked in coconut milk
  • Avoid processed, ready-to-eat food preparations, sweets and sugary drinks (canned beverages) that provide empty calories
  • Choose fresh foods over canned
  • Quit smoking
  • Stop alcohol consumption
Shivalik Herbals - Cheer Up

businessShivalik Herbals   (India )
personRaghav Aren
homeShivalik Herbals, Opp. Nirankari Bhawan, College Road Sunam, Sunam, PUNJAB, 148028, India


Cheer Up is a unique herbal product for hangover & Liver damage due to alcohol & drugs. The special herbal capsule helps detoxify your body by counteracting the effect of alcohol to help you feel good. It protects you against irritating hangover symptoms such as dry mouth, nausea, fatigue, dizziness & headache.


  • Get rid of Hangover due to Alcohol
  • Protects Liver against the Toxicity of Alcohol, Drugs & Chemicals
  • Feel Better the Next Day
  • Helps you wake up Fresh & Relaxed
  • 100% Natural Herbal Ingredients